Soul-O / Vision Fast

Listen to the Wilderness Call to Your Wild Soul

You feel the pull, the timeless connection, the deep knowing of your Truth. By fasting and immersing in the more-than-human world, you connect with Spirit and Soul. You are alone, yet surrounded by the abundant relationship of the wild. You listen for what Mother Nature can teach you about your purpose and your Being. You surrender to a depth of Being not typically experienced in the everyday world. You return with a gift, Your gift, for your family, your community, your people.

In the beautiful Colorado mountains this experience involves four days of solo camping and fasting (with water). You may bring a sleeping bag, pad, and tarp or tent to sleep in at your solo site. We have one or two preparatory days at base camp, before your solo, and two days of incorporation and preparation for re-entering and bringing your gifts to the world.

I will meet with you before we go out to the land to help you clarify your intention and provide guidance on what you may expect or receive on your solo. We’ll also meet afterward to support the integration and incorporation of what you learned out there.

Hear the call? Give me a shout.

Earth waking up.
Mother Earth waking up with the questers on the last soul-o.

Forest Bathing

Immerse in Nature for Well-Being and Growth

The Japanese art of Shinrin-Yoku (forest bathing) invites you to be at one and at peace in the tranquility of the forest. The sights and scents of the trees, the light and sounds all invoke a profound sense of connection with the more-than-human world and with yourself.

Forest bathing is a mindful practice of nature connectedness to enhance emotional and physical well-being. It is based on research that is increasingly showing the physiological and psychological benefits of exposure and deliberate connection to nature. We also design forest bathing walks to promote connection with others and ourselves. 

I lead forest bathing experiences in the beautiful Colorado mountains. Forest bathing walks are intentional and relaxed and allow you to stop and be at one with the natural world. 

Curious? Contact me.

Dive into Spiritual Connection in the Mountains

From Shabbat morning in the Mountains to ‘Spirit Hikes’, my nature-connected spiritual gatherings are an opportunity to celebrate wonder and awe and our connection to creation.

My Spirit Hikes offer connection to Spirit through slow, intentional, mindful walks allowing time for contemplation, wandering and spiritual deepeing. I typically shape them around a theme based on the season or Jewish spiritual calendar, and the intentions for the wanders and nature-connection activities follow these themes.  

Shabbat in the Mountains gatherings have featured a non-traditional Jewish Shabbat morning service, with singing, praise, discussion, contemplation and nature-connection wanders.

Curious? Email me:

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